Brian has said it for years now and that the truth is IN Christ and “if our life is no better then the world’s why will they want what we have!” Brian teaches the Word of God with that in mind and encouraging others to do likewise. We should be able to live life with the world asking themselves, “I want to have what they do!”
We believe that having Brian Makeever Ministries to minister the Word will produce fruit for the Kingdom of God in your Church.
Please contact by brian@brianmakeever.org or call 858-336-3358
Brian Makeever is known for his dynamic Bible teaching and preaching. He communicates the exciting message of Jesus Christ with sincerity, intensity, and is recognized for his ability to convey the concrete realities of God’s Word for today. Brian accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior when he was nineteen. This marked the beginning of real purpose and meaning for his life. Responding to the call of God on his life, Brian has a ministerial training in evangelism and He became ordained as a minister in 1995.
Brian shows how Jesus’ teachings relate to our everyday life. He explores the significance of Jesus’ teachings for our interior life—that inner reality that is Jesus in us or “the Kingdom of God” that lives within each believer.